Quest:Darkness No More

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Darkness No More
Level 90
Type Solo
Starts with Blackthorn
Starts at Eastern Fangorn
Start Region Broadacres
Map Ref [42.8S, 71.6W]
Ends with Herehasen
Ends at Tordag's Camp
End Region Broadacres
Map Ref [45.7S, 72.2W]
Quest Group Broadacres
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Little <race>, I was already angered by the encroachment of the burárum...from my northern home, I saved a Man from his walled city when the Orcs destroyed it. Hoom, Béortnoth, I believe his name was.

'Now, I can see what evil Saruman has truly come to. Ta-rum! You may return to the Men of the lands beyond and tell them that Blackthorn of Fangorn shall fight! Look for my emissary at their village in the ruins...I will come if you send him.'


Blackthorn has been roused to wrath by the treachery of Saruman.

Objective 1

Herehasen is at Tordag's camp in the Broadacres, south of Fangorn.

You should return to Herehasen and let him know that the Black Huorns will not threaten the Men of Rohan, and Blackthorn the Ent has pledged his allegiance to them.

Herehasen: 'Walking trees and Ents? Are you mad? No one would believe such a ridiculous tale.
'Ah well, perhaps I was wrong about the shadows in the trees....'